Well, today was quite the interesting day. I was sitting in the library during 2nd hour, discussing the poems that will be on our final for AP English, loving how great my class is and how bonded we are. Then, an announcement came over the PA that we are in lockdown mode. We stayed at our spot until the severity of the lockdown was realized, and then we were instructed to go into one of the small rooms connected to the library. So, my English class of a little less than 20 kids all piled into a tiny little room, basically all cuddling on the floor. We soon find out that there was a suspected person with a gun in the school, and that the police were doing room by room searches to try and find the person. There were tons of police in the building, and all the local news stations parked out front. For the full story, you can find an article here. It was very scary to think about how I can go from having so much fun in school to having it turn into a complete nightmare. We were eventually let out, but we were only allowed to get our keys from our lockers, so I am going the night without my Blackberry (I am about to go crazy without it!). I am so thankful that nothing bad ended up happening to the students and faculty at my school, I don't know what I would have done if something did happen.
As for now, I am in great need of some retail therapy after spending all morning and part of my afternoon locked in a dark room with instructions to be quiet. I particularly want to go on a comfy clothes shopping spree after being cramped in my uncomfortable jeans all day. I've been lusting over some slouchy t-shirts (this, this or this), along with a comfy cardigan, especially this which I tried on a few months ago but never bought, which I regret because it looks so cozy! After a day like today, I could use a nice cozy sweater like that, along with a huge bowl of ice cream.
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