"No I'm not color blind, I know the world is black and white"
- John Mayer

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Love was all around

Merry Christmas to all! At Christmas mass last night, the priest, Father Dennis, gave his sermon on World War I, and how on Christmas Eve in 1914, Scottish, German and French soldiers stopped fighting for the night in order to celebrate Christmas together. Their love that they felt among each other forever bonded them. He said that everyone should take this story into their own lives, and show love to each and every person, no matter their differences. My family decided we are going to take this message to heart, especially to people we might not have been showing it to in the past. As Father Dennis said, love is the one thing that connects the world.
The Christmas tree post Santa's visit
Although this morning was a little different because two oldest sisters didn't sleep at home for the first time on Christmas, my parents and my other sister had a wonderful morning together. We took our time unwrapping gifts from Santa, and then we had a delicious egg casserole and coffee cake for brunch. It was a perfectly relaxed morning filled with love.

The gift that I received that I am most excited about would definitely be these combat boots, which are from Nordstrom. I can't wait to pair them with a chunky sweater and some leggings! We saved the sibling gifts to be opened for when my other sisters get here, so I am anxiously waiting for them to open their gifts. I carefully picked out each of the gifts for my sisters, and I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they open them.

My mom's side of the family is coming over tonight, and my sister and I obviously were excited her to set up the festive tables. We used lots of candles, sparkles, and a touch of wintry cheer. I am excited to spend time with my sisters, their boys, and the rest of my extended family. Love will be surrounding me this Christmas, I hope it surrounds you as well.

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