"No I'm not color blind, I know the world is black and white"
- John Mayer

Sunday, December 19, 2010

How beautiful do I have to be?

It's Christmas break!! I have never been so happy to have school off. On Thursday afternoon I received the news that my decision from University of Michigan has been deferred, and now I won't know until April. Let's just say I wasn't a happy camper when I got that email. I realized that what is meant to happen will happen, I'm a strong believer in that, but it's still hard to have things happen the way I wasn't planning.

I started my break off on Friday by attending a Mother-Daughter cookie swap with my friends. My mom and I made shortbread cookies and then dipped them in chocolate and decorated them with red and green sprinkles. We made them Thursday night, so I wasn't really in the photo-documenting mood (sorry!). At the exchange we got tons of delicious goodies that I have been consuming an unhealthy amount of this weekend. It was fun to spend time with my friends along with our wonderful mothers! After that party I headed over to my sister's house for her Christmas party. Her house looked adorable with her Christmas decorations, and her little kitten made it look even cuter! I loved being able to spend time with my sisters and their boys. We got our dance on to some wonderful Glee Christmas music, along with some other favorites of ours.

A throwback to my trip to Madrid, the red and green look a little festive.

Last night I attended another Christmas party, but this time it was with the girls that I went to Spain with over the summer. We had a white-elephant gift exchange, I got a gift certificate for a manicure which I can't wait to use! My nails are in desperate need of some love. It was so nice to spend time with the group again, we had lots of fun reminiscing of the funny moments, along with the semi-tragic moments as well.

The rest of my free time this weekend has been consumed by laying around and doing nothing, and it has felt absolutely wonderful. I went on a song downloading spree, eeek! I'm in a chill music kind of mood lately, and my two favorite new additions are "I'm Yours" by Ron Pope and "Beautifully" by Jay Brannan. I also heard "Yule Shoot Your Eye Out"  by Fall Out Boy on a Christmas station the other day, and I just find it so delightfully festive, but not too jolly that I just love it. Leave it to Fall Out Boy to give me a new Christmas favorite.

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